The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet

Item # B21-4969
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet


The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet Details

The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet exudes a bright beauty and bold sophistication to send your sweetest wishes to friends and family near and far. Hot pink roses, carnations, mini carnations and gerbera daisies are accented with brilliant blue iris and lush greens to create a fascinating flower arrangement. Presented in a clear glass cylinder vase lined with a ti leaf green material to give it an elegant and finished look, this gorgeous bouquet is set to make that perfect impression in honor of a birthday, anniversary, or as a way to express your congratulations or thank you sentiments.Approximately 16H x 16W.

Add these items to my gift (optional)

The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
Mylar Balloon
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
Plush Animal
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
The Pure Perfection™ Bouquet
Latex Balloon

Substitution & Delivery Policy

We cannot guarantee requests for a specific time of delivery. *PLEASE READ* We need the option to substitute based on our standards of quality, look, and feel. It is a difficult time right now in our industry to get certain flowers AND vases. Don't worry! It's going to be BEAUTIFUL regardless of any change we need to make! If you really need that certain item, please call the store and let us know immediately.

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